Research Programs

Scientists at London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute (LHSCRI) are leaders in advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and management of multiple diseases and health conditions. From laboratory-based science to clinical trials, our research aligns directly to care programs and clinical expertise at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC).

Cancer treatment with staff placing mesh on patient in clinical space Cancer Dr. Chu holding a model of a heart Cardiology and Vascular Diseases   Patient laying in bed with testing cap holding hands with in Dr Rishi Ganesan lab Children’s Health Man looking into a microscope in a lab Critical Illness   Dr. David Laidley on monitor looking at an imaging scan Imaging Dr. Ruth Linus in lab on a computer Mental Health  Patient laying in hospital bed connect to medical machine Nephrology  Woman using testing equipment in Dr Mandar-Jog's Lab Neurological Disorders   Paitent in front of screen during an ortho simulation Orthopaedics   Medical staff in lab coats in lab storing medicine Personalized Medicine  candid moment in an operating room with lights Surgery  Dr Skaro in operating room beside Transplant Pump Transplantation  Pregnant woman with care givers in exam room sitting in consult Women’s Health and Obstetrics